Uniform is a project in Debian Design. Uniform makes it possible to make a unified look and feel with a clear identity in Debian packages with user interface. The Uniform package can offer system wide defaults for other packages in order for them to alter their own default design choices. Uniform applies design traits across desktop environments, window managers, applications and services at the moment of installation. The tool is handy for customized blends and forks of Debian - and for the next stable version of Debian.

Starting with color and typeface schemes, the scope of the package can potentially expand to include other configuration issues like choice of widget theme, icon theme, wallpaper and voice management.

The Uniform package converts design configurations into different programming languages.

Initial choices prompted by Uniform during installation

  • Title
  • Tagline
  • Logo
  • Profile
    • Wallpaper
    • Color
    • Typography

One application of a color or a set of colors doesn't necessarily mix well into the next To overcome some of these obstacles to uniformity, a set of semantics is recommended.

Ressources for semantic expressions of color and typographic design

  • SASS ressources
  • The Google Material Design project
  • Bootstrap